Manually create Database script in oracle
Prerequisites for creating database:
Step 1: setting environment variable by editing the '.bash_profile'
]$ vi .bash_profile
# User specific environment and startup programs
export ORACLE_SID=orcl
export ORACLE_HOME=/oraeng/app/oracle/product/11.2.0 (specify the your existing oracle home )
Step 2: create parameter file (pfile) by editing the parameter file
[oracle@redhat ~]$ cd /oraeng/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/dbs/
[oracle@redhat dbs]$ cp init.ora init$ORACLE_SID.ora
[oracle@redhat dbs]$ vi init$ORACLE_SID.ora (edit the following parameters)
shared_pool_size = 100Mb
control_files =/disk1/oradata/primary/control.ctl
compatible = 11.2.0
Step 3: create directory structure
]$ mkdir -p /disk1/oradata/primary
Step 4: create database creation script and run at SQL prompt .
1.[oracle@redhat ~]$ vi createdb.sql
(use the following script, change the directory structure according)
2.create database primary
datafile '/disk1/oracle/primary/system.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
sysaux datafile '/disk1/oracle/primary/sysaux.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
undo tablespace undotbs1 datafile '/disk1/oracle/primary/undotbs1.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
default tablespace users datafile '/disk1/oracle/primary/users.dbf' size 200m autoextend on
default temporary tablespace temp tempfile '/disk1/oracle/primary/temp.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
group 1 ('/disk1/oracle/primary/redo1.log') size 10m,
group 2 ('/disk1/oracle/primary/redo2.log') size 10m;
datafile '/disk1/oracle/primary/system.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
sysaux datafile '/disk1/oracle/primary/sysaux.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
undo tablespace undotbs1 datafile '/disk1/oracle/primary/undotbs1.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
default tablespace users datafile '/disk1/oracle/primary/users.dbf' size 200m autoextend on
default temporary tablespace temp tempfile '/disk1/oracle/primary/temp.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
group 1 ('/disk1/oracle/primary/redo1.log') size 10m,
group 2 ('/disk1/oracle/primary/redo2.log') size 10m;
3.[oracle@redhat ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SYS> startup nomount
Database created.
Step 5: Postdbcreat.sql
[oracle@redhat ~]$ vi postdbcreate.sql
conn system/manager
save and quit.
run the script.
SQL> @postdbcreate.sql
database creation is complete.